Book. “Thistle and Mirage 5B”
The Dassault Mirage, a legendary aircraft whose reputation transcends all borders, even those of France’s closest neighbors. The evidence lies in this Belgian book, dedicated to those who have flown the remarkable fighter jet. In two volumes! Book. “Thistle and Mirage 5B”. Author: Luc Mercier. Publisher: Mirage 5 Pilots Association.
Book. “Mémoires” followed by “Journal de guerre”
Two tales in one book for a genuine legend of French aviation, whose name is known the world over: Roland Garros. Book. “Mémoires” followed by “Journal de guerre”. Author, Roland Garros. Editions Points (Points Aventure collection). ISBN: 2757863398
Book. “Chasseurs du ciel – Bataille de France, mai-juin 1940”
This work recounts the glorious past of a squadron which made a name for itself when France was experiencing particularly dark times. Book. “Chasseurs du ciel – Bataille de France, mai-juin 1940” Author, Bernard Accart. Éditions Cépaduès. EAN: 978236939622
Book: “Patrouille de France” – 70th anniversary
Rémy Michelin was selected by the French Air and Space Force to create the official book commemorating the Patrouille de France’s 70th anniversary. Two versions of this work are featured on the website:
Book. “Une histoire de l’aéronautique et du spatial”
Accessible to everyone, this is a work that retraces the history of aeronautics by focusing on the important moments that have defined it. Book. “Une histoire de l’aéronautique et du spatial”. Authors: Jean-Christophe Kraemer and Régis Le Maître. Éditions Cepadues. ISBN: 2364939534.
Book. “Avions légendaires : le rêve à portée de ciel”
A work penned by a “general assignment” reporter, to examine aviation from a new angle, as well as the many new perspectives it could offer in the future. Book. “Avions légendaires : le rêve à portée de ciel.” Author: Pascal Alquier. Éditions Privat. ISBN: 2708984233.
Book: “Aviateurs : Carnet de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace”
Here is an original tribute to the men and women who defend French territory and interests around the world! All in the form of a notebook of firsthand accounts, penned by the artist Lapin. Book: “Aviateurs : Carnet de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace.” Author: Lapin. Editions Privat. ISBN: 978-2-7089-6265-1
Book. “Avions de l’Histoire : 25 aéronefs de légende”
A collection made up of 25 stories that have left a lasting mark on the aviation industry. All brought together by a historian passionate about transportation. Book. “Avions de l’Histoire : 25 aéronefs de légende”. Author: Sophie Dubois-Collet. Éditions de l’Opportun. ISBN: 978-2-38015-611-9