Les Vieilles Racines de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace
The Association is open to all friends of aeronautics and space, whether students, working people, retired civilians or military personnel. It organizes technical visits (factories, bases, laboratories, etc.), historical visits (museums, etc.), conferences and participates in events that enable exchanges between all generations.
Conservatory of air and space of Aquitaine
Created October 14, 1987 under the 1901 law made up of volunteers, whose purpose is the preservation of the aviation heritage. An important part of the collection is devoted to civil and military aircraft Dassault Aviation. Caea also exhibits these aircraft on the occasion of family days at the Merignac and Martignas sites.
The White Bison
Association of the brotherhood of the base of Bierset.
Amicale des avions anciens d’Albert
This association aims to recover, rehabilitate and make fly vintage aircraft, and to promote, facilitate and organize the practice of aviation and various related activities.
Amicale Jean Baptiste Salis
This association posses many vintage aircraft and organizes each year the Ferté Alais meeting.
Les amis des avions Breguet
Association of the former employees of the companies related to Breguet.
Les chevaliers du ciel
This association gives disabled children first flight opportunities among others.
Memorial Flight Association
The Memorial Flight is a non-profit organisation formed in 1988 which aims to preserve French and European aeronautical heritage