On Tuesday, February 23, the Aeroscopia Museum, based in Toulouse-Blagnac, offers a videoconference on planes in the stories of Tintin. The event will be hosted by an engineer who has already written a book on this topic.
Yellow seaplane of “Le Crabe aux pinces d’or”, Carreidas 160 of “Vol 714 pour Sydney”, yellow biplane of “Tintin au Congo”, red plane of “L’Île noire”, Douglas DC-3 of “Tintin au Tibet”, Air France aircraft of “L’Oreille cassée”… And the list could be longer ! But if you have been a keen reader, you will notice that airplanes have been many times real characters incorporated into the stories of the most famous comic book journalist of the world. And if you read one more time the twenty-four albums, you will notice that his “father”, the cartoonist Hergé, was a real fan of aeronautics!
These aspects will be highlighted during a videoconference organized by the Aeroscopia Museum and The Academy of Air and Space, both based in Toulouse. The lecture will be presented by engineer José Miguel de la Viuda Sainz, author of the book “Hergé, Tintin et les avions”. This is not the first time that the museum treats the topic of planes in the stories of Tintin. Indeed, the institution had already addressed the theme with an exhibition entitled “Tintin and his planes” in 2018.
Videoconference: “Tintin et l’histoire de l’aviation”. Tuesday 23 February 2021. 6 p.m. Live on Zoom. Registration by Monday February 22 at the latest. In French only.
To register and participate: https://academieairespace.com/evenement/tintin-et-lhistoire-de-laviation-2/