Published by Éditions Alice Jeunesse, “La cascadeuse des nuages”, by Sandrine Beau, tells the story of Élise Deroche, the first woman to obtain her pilot’s license in France or indeed any other country in the world.
Also known under the stage name “Baroness Raymonde de Laroche”, Élise Deroche was born in 1882 and her short life (she died at the age of 36) is a veritable novel in itself. She started out as an artist and began flying after meeting Charles Voisin, who co-founded one of the first French aeronautical companies with his brother.
In her book “La cascadeuse des nuages”, author Sandrine Beau pays a fitting tribute to Deroche and skillfully illustrates each facet of this free and courageous young woman’s character—a little-known figure from the history of aviation in the early 20th century.
Sandrine Beau, “La cascadeuse des nuages”, Éditions Alice Jeunesse, 168 pages, ISBN: 978-2-87426-394-1