A brand-new aviation museum opened in the spring of 2021: it is the only museum in Normandy dedicated solely to the aircraft and airborne operations of the D-Day landing on June 6, 1944.
Although sites dedicated to World War II are clearly not lacking in Normandy, there was no museum exclusively dedicated to the aircraft that contributed to the success of the D-Day landing. The D-Day Wings Museum remedied this and opened its doors on May 19, delayed by a few months due to Covid-19.
Located in a hangar outside Caen, this new museum is intended to pay tribute to the aviation side of those days that helped to liberate Europe. It is divided into three parts, with a dedicated space for each topic covered: aviation, the history of the hangar housing D-Day Wings Museum, and Operation Windsor. This attack took place on June 4-5, 1944, and made it possible to liberate the capital of Basse-Normandie, among other things.
Typhoon, Spitfire, B-17, the remains of a B-24, and more. Many of the famous World War II aircraft are gathered here – with truly unique pieces from the period, starting with the hangar that houses the museum. Most of the planes are from private collections, such as those of the two enthusiasts who founded the museum: Jean-Michel Grinda, a former captain with Air France, and Philippe Bonneau. It is most definitely a place imagined by enthusiasts, for visitors from the age of seven to seventy-seven!
D-Day Wings Museum. 485 rue Jules Védrines, building number 17 – hall 1. 14760 Bretteville-sur-Odon Open daily from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm.