“The Grand Duke” comic book, made up of three volumes and set on the Eastern Front in 1939-1945, is being republished as a complete collection. Don’t miss out!
In 1943, on the Eastern Front, a German pilot by the name of Adolf Wülf faces his aversion towards the Nazis, yet fights for their side… Flying a Heinkel He-219, an aircraft nicknamed “Le Grand Duc”, he is an already disillusioned young man, who lost his wife at the start of the war and only has his daughter left.
In the opposite camp there is Lilya Litvasky, a pilot in the Soviet Air Force. Following Operation Barbarossa, which cost the lives of many pilots, women were trained to take their place flying old Soviet aircraft. Lilya, soon nicknamed “The Red Witch”, is one of them… Every night, she harasses the German troops on the ground. These two strong characters will have to come face to face, but that’s not all…
Through betrayal, passionate revenge, competition, morale, heroism, spectacular aerial combats, and more, the two protagonists will cross paths over the three volumes – “Les Sorcières de la nuit” [Night Witches], “Camarade Lilya” [Comrade Lilya] and “Wulf & Lilya” – acclaimed for the quality of their aerial scenes. With Yann (“Pin-Up”, etc.) behind the writing and Romain Hugault (“Au-delà des nuages” [Beyond the Clouds], “Angel Wings”, etc.) providing the illustrations, the overall quality is unsurprising from a duo having already worked together on “Le Pilote à l’Edelweiss”. The bottom line is that this comic book has become a reference point in just three volumes!
Comic Book. “Le Grand Duc – Intégrale 15 ans”. Yann (script), Romain Hugault (artwork). Éditions Paquet, Cockpit collection. EAN: 9782889321384.