This sixteenth volume in the adventures of Tom Nolane will transport readers to Asia, where the disappearance of a mysterious aircraft is intertwined with issues of the utmost importance.
For this latest adventure of the fighter pilot and test pilot (on board the Rafale, of course!), the protagonists Tom Nolane and his sidekicks – Tank, Dozer, etc. –, go on board the aircraft carrier “Charles-de-Gaulle” along with the rest of the carrier battle group. Straddling the territorial waters of India and Bangladesh, the aircraft carrier sails through the Bay of Bengal.
Soon, a Search And Rescue (SAR) alert is launched: it was triggered to locate the pilot of an American reconnaissance aircraft, the “Dark Star”, still in the prototyping phase, which disappeared from the radar without emitting a distress signal. To make matters worse, the case promises to be a sensitive one, since the plane is classified as top secret…
Tom Nolane and his buddies hastily set off in search of the aircraft and its pilot. But the region is in the throes of some major territorial upheaval! Then, another aircraft carrier arrives in the suspected crash zone, with what appear to be hostile intentions towards the Rafale pilots of the carrier battle group…
Comic book. “Team Rafale” – Volume 16 – “Dark Star”. Author, Frédéric Zumbiehl, Illustrator, Alberto Lingua. Éditions Dupuis. Zephyr Collection. ISBN: 9782361183738