
Comic book. « Les Frères Nowak – tome 1 – Œil pour Œil, Dent pour Dent »

This comic book, straddling two eras, tells the story of a family and an airplane that was hit hard by the harsh realities of the Second World War.

This comic book, straddling two eras, tells the story of a family and an airplane that was hit hard by the harsh realities of the Second World War.

1960s. Buenos Aires. In the streets of the Argentine capital, a Frenchman named Fabrice goes in search of a mysterious man named Alvarez, in connection with a photo story…

1939, France. The Avions Nowak company operates from a small airfield on the outskirts of Paris, developing a new aircraft, the N2. During testing, the father, Maurice, is surprised by the way the test pilot pushes the aircraft… However, it’s not the usual test pilot who’s in the cockpit that day, but his own son, Gabin, who has made significant improvements to the aircraft, to the father’s astonishment, upset (and very surprised) at the idea that his son could have climbed into the cabin so young.

In the end, it didn’t matter – the father now knew that one of his sons was cut out to succeed him. The proof is in the pudding: he has succeeded in pushing the aircraft, thus thwarting the calculations of the workshop engineer, Chabot. But there’s a catch: France soon enters the war, losing out to Nazi Germany. And it was Nazi Germany that took a keen interest in the N2’s performance, creating a certain amount of family confusion. All the more so as the father is overwhelmed by the loss of his wife and engineer Chabot, vexed at having been ousted by Gabin, seems to be drawing closer to the occupying forces…

Comic book. “Les Frères Nowak – tome 1 – Œil pour Œil, Dent pour Dent. Author, Francis Queriot. Draughtsman, Olivier Dauger. Éditions Paquet, Cockpit Collection. ISBN: 2889320987