The next installment in the adventures of young Natalia, who dreams of becoming a pilot in 1930s Europe. Against all odds...
The next installment in the adventures of young Natalia, who dreams of becoming a pilot in 1930s Europe. Against all odds…
In the first volume of “La Rhapsodie du ciel” (Rhapsody of the Sky), Natalia, a young teenager on a mission to become a pilot, saw her dreams crushed by her father’s refusal. That’s when she decided to leave home to visit her uncle Alfred, who had worked as an airplane mechanic for an aviation legend, Robert. He was less than forthcoming—her uncle refused to divulge his secrets—which made for an awkward situation with his niece.
In this next volume, entitled “Les Enfants de la forêt” (Children of the Forest), the young girl doesn’t give up and continues to expose family secrets, including the connection between Robert’s death and her uncle, who gradually warms up to her. In the meantime, Natalia has also met Charlotte, whose job as a journalist could help her in her quest to discover the truth about her family, so she can achieve her goal of becoming a pilot.
Comic book. “La Rhapsodie du ciel” – volume 2 – “Les Enfants de la forêt”. Illustrator: Chendi Xu. Éditions Paquet. ISBN: 2889321886
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