The first volume in this new adaptation of “The Adventures of Buck Danny”, entitled “Origins”, focuses on his younger years and early days as a pilot. A treat for fans of the classic comic!
Having made his first appearance in the weekly magazine “Spirou” in 1947, two years after the end of the Second World War, Buck Danny reveals a bit more in this new series – a sequel to the “Classic” series of 2014. This time around, the authors turn their attention to young Buck.
To do this, let’s go back to the early 1940s, when a dramatic yet seminal event takes place. On December 7, 1941, Japanese air and sea forces attack the American Air Force Base in Pearl Harbor, killing more than 2,000 people and destroying some 200 aircraft. This first attack of the Pacific War compels Buck Danny to enlist.
In this first volume, we find him in the cockpit of a Grumman F4F Wildcat on the “USS Enterprise” aircraft carrier, six months after Pearl Harbor. He is given a leave of absence. But unfortunately, when he returns home, all he can think about is the loss of his father, Walter, who passed away some time before. After several days in the company of his mother and his younger brother, fondly nicknamed “Microbe” by Buck, he returns to his unit.
He is soon put to the test: after his plane is shot down by the Emperor’s troops, he must survive on an inflatable lifeboat, drifting in the middle of the Pacific under the blazing hot sun. Faced with such extreme circumstances, he begins to recall his childhood, his traumas… But soon, a naval submarine from the Empire of the Rising Sun appears at the surface.
“The Pilot with the Broken Wing” makes up the first half of a two-part story entirely devoted to Buck’s adventures and kicks off a series which will explore the experiences of all the comic book’s characters – like Sonny Tuckson and Jerry Tumbler, his sidekicks. Time for fans to get excited…
Comic Book. “Buck Danny – Origins. Volume 1 – The Pilot with the Broken Wing”. Author, Yann. Illustrator, Giuseppe De Luca. Éditions Dupuis. ISBN: 1034764551