An enemy aircraft shoots down an American spy plane, which must then be destroyed as quickly as possible before the enemy can steal its secrets. It’s a race against time...
An enemy aircraft shoots down an American spy plane, which must then be destroyed as quickly as possible before the enemy can steal its secrets. It’s a race against time…
1952. Over the skies of Korea, the Mig 15s are hunting down jets engaged by the United States in fiercely contested battles. During one of these clashes, a Mig shoots down a P2V-2 Neptune spy plane in the area captured by enemy forces. On board is state-of-the-art electronic equipment classified as “top secret”, which the American High Command fears could end up in the enemy’s hands.
Meanwhile, on American soil, Angela McCloud is busy flying target drones. The aim is to train young American recruits to be operational in the skies over the “Land of the Morning Calm”.
Her partner Rob Clower is on board the recently launched aircraft carrier USS Oriksany in the China Sea. And his mission is far from easy! He has to locate and destroy the P2V-2 Neptune. As soon as he takes off from the USS Oriksany, trouble begins with snowy weather. Worse still, his aircraft, a Grumman F9F Panther, is soon shot down. That’s when Angela takes control and enters the fray for real…
Comic book. “Angel Wings – T7 – Mig Madness.” Author: Yann. Illustrator: Romain Hugault. Éditions Paquet. Cockpit Collection. ISBN: 2889322297