In this special fighter aircraft episode, Fred and Jamy drop by the Tours air base, where French fighter pilots are trained, before going to the Istres flight test center.
You may have missed it, but it’s still time to watch it! In this special fighter aircraft episode, Fred and Jamy drop by the Tours air base, where French fighter pilots are trained, before going to the Istres flight test center.
During their journey, they prepare like real pilots, undergoing the same training and testing the same simulators. In Tours, Fred climbed aboard the Alpha Jet and performed a series of acrobatics, experiencing accelerations exceeding 5 “G”.
Their truck then goes to Istres to discover the Rafale and how it works. Fred can then tries his hand and wears the Topsight helmet, which allows him to view information directly on his visor. As usual, Jamy takes the opportunity to give an overview of the history and evolution of aeronautics.
8 years later, Fred and Jamy haven’t aged a bit… This is the opportunity to catch up with the episode on the C’est pas sorcier website!