Technical, educational, and personal... An autobiography penned by a fighter pilot that is sure to delight purists and amateurs alike.
Technical, educational, and personal… An autobiography penned by a fighter pilot that is sure to delight purists and amateurs alike.
Any career in the skies begins with a running start on the ground! This is the essence of what fighter pilot Jackie Charles Deleuze has to say, retracing his career over the course of approximately 150 pages in this book. From high school to joining the Air Force, through his training at the French Air Force Academy and his education leading to an engineering degree, Jackie Charles Deleuze tells the story of his own life.
Difficulties encountered in flight, all sorts of anecdotes, recollections of injuries treated in various military hospitals, a series of promotions, not to mention numerous records, but also compromises, or even balancing civilian life with a high-flying professional career, sometimes quite a long way from home, and much more. So many aspects in the life of a man of the skies are brought together in one book!
To illustrate his “trajectory”, the author evokes the vultures of Aïnhoa (in the Basque country) and their characteristic flight, “neither too low, nor too high”. Because if there’s one profession in which respect for trajectory is vital, if not indispensable, it is most certainly that of a fighter pilot!
Book. “La Trajectoire idéale.” Author, Jackie Charles Deleuze. Éditions JPO. ISBN: 2373011727.