An extensive portrait of a pioneer of aviation, as well as a leading figure committed to promoting the role of women in French society, a Resistance fighter...
An extensive portrait of a pioneer of aviation, as well as a leading figure committed to promoting the role of women in French society, a Resistance fighter…
This book is a tribute to an exceptional aviator! As one of the very first Frenchwomen to set aviation records, Maryse Bastié, who obtained her pilot’s license in 1925, flew through the first part of the 20th century at full speed before her death following a crash in 1952.
Maryse Bastié held the first flight distance record in 1928, logged 3000 flying hours, held the rank of captain in the French Air Force, was a member of the French Resistance, was awarded the rank of Commander in the French Legion of Honour, crossed the Atlantic solo (1936), campaigned for women’s suffrage in the 1930s, joined the Red Cross, and befriended Jean Mermoz.
This book looks back at all these aspects of the aviator’s life, reminding younger generations of who she was and, through her career, of the role played by the pioneers (French and otherwise) of aviation, those who left a lasting “trace in the sky”.
Book. “Maryse Bastié, une trace dans le ciel.” Author, Agnès Clancier. Éditions Arlea. ISBN: 2363081404