After two volumes on the subject, Serge Boichot is back to tell about life as an instructor of a flying club. And we’re off!
Do colorful anecdotes about piloting errors, incidents, misunderstandings, close calls or even extraordinary exploits bring a smile to your face? After “Memorable Moments of a Flight Instructor, volumes 1 and 2”, the flying club instructor Serge Boichot is back in his flight jacket with more stories. Regardless of whether you’re interested in the profession, climb on board with Serge. Through “Aerial mishaps of a flight instructor”, you’ll learn about light aircraft in more detail (and the details can be quite amusing).
Somewhere between newsworthy events and documented accounts, the book features over 120 pages of short stories and definitions presented in a pleasant yet playful tone. Take, for example, the “Collection of Flying Club Characters” [Petit-Bestiaire d’aéro-club], initiated in prior volumes, where he provides definitions of “The Phantom Instructor” [L’Instructeur fantôme], “Faukon” or “The Flying Alcoholic” [L’Alcoolique-volant]. In the Table of Contents, you will also find longer stories, such as “Series of Unfortunate Events” [Série noire], “Deadly Cocktail” [Cocktail fatal] or—for the lucky ones—“Low Pass” [Passage bas]. Thrills guaranteed!
Book: « Mésaventures aériennes d’un instructeur avion », Serge Boichot. Editions Cépaduès. ISBN: 9782364938717