On June 3, 2021, the 15th exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge ended with the Suborbital Day (in virtual mode) which allowed the students to present their projects and the partner companies to reward the teams having rendered the best work in the field of manned suborbital flights.
This year, the Dassault Aviation prize was awarded by Space Program Director Marc Valès to the Salto team from Politecnico di Torino in Italy for its “Suborbital Analysis of a Light Spaceplane”. This study was carried out as part of the “Structure associated with suborbital flight” work package, one of the ten themes proposed for this exercise.
During the 2020-2021 school year, despite a still complicated health context, the Student Aerospace Challenge brought together fourteen teams from five European Space Agency member countries. Because of the image carried by this student competition in the context of School Relations, but also to promote the suborbital sector, Dassault Aviation and its partners (the European Astronaut Club, ArianeGroup, the European Space Agency and the Air and Space Museum) will launch a new exercise next fall.