The professional development of our executives and engineers is realized among four professional fields. Each field develops the employee’s predominant skills and gives them the opportunity to move up to the highest level within the company regarding its performance.
Any executive or engineer will be professionally guided according to their abilities and skills towards:
Being a manager at Dassault Aviation thus means managing people as well as projects, programmes, cross business knowledge or specific knowledge in a specific field, whether technical or not.
Our technicians can very swiftly find themselves with first-level technical or supervisory responsibilities, eventually allowing them to reach executive or engineer status.
Our production operators can move up towards the status of first-line supervisors in charge of a team or towards jobs in preparation and control.
These promotions depend on the skills and the commitment of each person, and rely on internal or external training cycles jointly defined between the company and the employee in their common interest. The range of advancement opportunities allows everyone to fulfill their potential by “finding their true vocation”.