Check out these reference websites on aerospace technology selected by Dassault Aviation.
DGAC – French Civil Aviation Authority [Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile]
SIA – Aeronautical Information Service [Service de l’Information Aéronautique]
IXARM Latest news from the armament world. Reference documents for the DGA – French Defense Procurement Agency [Direction générale de l’armement]
French Ministry of Defense Presentation of the various delegations
French Air Force French Air Force media library for science Scientific information portal set up by American institutional agencies. Provides access to databases and a directory of over 2,000 websites covering all scientific disciplines.
DOD – DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center): The DTIC collections contain over 4 million documents (technical reports, research papers, Congressional budget data, etc.).
ONERA Thematic, scientific and institutional publications, courses, presentations and conferences and some books, for download in PDF format
CNES: French Space Agency (“Space Information” heading) CNES Photo Library
NASA List of highly informative guides on several topics (aerodynamics, hypersonics, propulsion, etc.) NASA reports
DLR DLR electronic library German Aerospace Center [Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt], Full-text documents
NLR National Aerospace Laboratory
FOI (Swedish Defense Research Agency) Full-text reports
ESA ESA publications
Scientific research: RTRA STAE The Advanced Thematic Research Network on Science and Technology for Aeronautics and Space [Réseau Thématique de Recherches Avancées Sciences et Technologies pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace] Thematic files
INRIA French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation [Institut National de recherche en Informatique et en Automatique]
AEROSPACE VALLEY: Global competitiveness cluster for aeronautics, space and embedded systems
ASTECh: Competitiveness cluster in the Paris region
Systematic: Paris Region Digital Ecosystem
HAL: Online Hyper Articles [Hyper Articles en Ligne] Scientific research articles and theses from academic and research institutions in France and abroad and from public and private laboratories.
CEL: Online courses [Cours en ligne]
TEL: Doctoral theses [Thèses en ligne]
CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
ECP Centrale Paris [Ecole Centrale de Paris] A selection of publications from the School Laboratories and link to the HAL portal.
ESTACA engineering school Bibliographic references
Polytechnique: Ecole Polytechnique’s scientific publications portal Central Library
ParisTech : École des Arts et Métiers
IPSA: Air and Space Engineering School [Ecole d’ingénieurs de l’Air et de l’Espace]
ISAE Aerospace Engineering School [Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace] Online electronic resources. Thematic access. ARCHIPEL Portal ARTEMIS: ISAE thesis platform
EPF Engineering School
UPMC: Pierre et Marie Curie University Library HAL UPMC
UTC: University of Technology of Compiègne Library
Cranfield University
Stanford University Laboratory publications University library
FUN: France Digital University [France Université Numérique]
AAAF Aeronautical & Astronautical Association of France Files
GIFAS French aerospace industries association A larger number of bibliographic references and press summaries GIFAS Publications
ASD: UK Aerospace, Defense & Security Industries
IEEE Digital Library over 2 million electronic documents
Royal Society of Aeronautics
Flight Global
Aero Contact French aeronautics and space portal: news, files, job offers, job information sheets, etc.
Aerospace Technology English website for information on the aerospace industry List of companies according to what they produce. Aircraft information sheets. Latest aerospace news
Aerobuzz Online aviation news
The UAV Website for UAV enthusiasts
The French Air and Space Museum Resource Center Portal
Avions Légendaires Military aviation website, online since 1999