Dassault Aviation Group signed various international commitments on fair competition and ethical practices (Common Industry Standards, Global Compact) and the United Nations Global Compact (ten fundamental principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption).
Furthermore, with a view to good governance and fair and ethical competition in international trade, Dassault Aviation instigated the creation of a committee within ASD (Aerospace and Defense Industries Association of Europe), which is in charge of developing ethical standards for acceptance and adoption by all European companies in the sector.
Dassault Aviation joined the IFBEC. The IFBEC brings together the major American and European aerospace companies from the Defense sector in order to apply and promote common ethical standards and good business practices through “Global Principles”.
Emmanuel Dupic VP, Chief Compliance Officer / Directeur de l’Éthique et de la Conformité emmanuel.dupic@dassault-aviation.com