Exported to over 90 countries, Falcon jets are versatile and economical to operate. Their flying qualities and adaptability mean that they are capable of undertaking missions that go beyond conventional civil aviation standards. They are designed by the same engineers that develop Rafale fighter jets and the nEUROn unmanned combat aerial vehicle.
Over the past 60 years, Dassault Aviation has modified many Falcon jets to adapt them for medical evacuation, cargo transportation, maritime surveillance, electronic warfare, and more. These multi-role aircraft represent approximately 10% of the Falcon fleet in service worldwide.
Special-mission Falcons are the perfect illustration of Dassault Aviation’s dual skill set: our civil aircraft benefit from the cutting-edge technologies developed for our fighter jets, which in turn benefit from the industrial processes set up for the highly competitive production of Falcon jets.
Falcons are not just used to carry passengers. When they are equipped with specific systems, their performance, flexibility and robustness allow them to cover a wide range of military and public service missions.
This new range of efficient and economical multi-role Falcon jet is designed for maritime reconnaissance and patrol missions.