Everywhere, business aviation is recognized as a tool for corporate development and growth. The sector alone employs several hundreds of thousands of people working for the industrial sector, but also for operators, in the world of maintenance, airport services, and in the environment of the numerous airports open to business aviation. There is a ratio of 1 to 10 between airports accessible to airliners and airfields open to business aircraft. Finally, business aircraft have equivalent or higher safety levels than airliners and commercial aviation.
Unmatched flexibility
Business aviation offers multiple advantages due to its flexibility:
- Complete freedom in the choice of itinerary and of arrival and departure points;
- Multiple stopovers on a single journey;
- Opens up service to thousands of airports which are not served by the airlines and allows business travelers to arrive closer to their final destination.
- No time constraints (the passengers set their departure or arrival time),
- Confidentiality of travel, security,
- Time savings by avoiding time-consuming formalities and inconveniences of airports (waiting to check in, security checks, waiting to board, delays, baggage claim, etc.).
Time savings
Surveys have shown that business aviation offers time savings of around two and a half hours compared to the same trips on commercial lines (travel time to the airport, check-in formalities, flight time, baggage retrieval). If we also take into account the operational advantages of business aviation (scheduling flexibility, proximity to final destination, aircraft availability), the time savings can reach three and a half to five hours per passenger per trip.
Optimal working environment
The cabin of a business aircraft is a private and confidential place where a meeting can be held safe from intrusive eyes and ears. Business travelers can also work in peace and quiet. Thanks to communication equipment (telephone, fax, broadband Internet), they can remain permanently in touch with the office.
Increased productivity
The productivity of top management and their employees is considerably enhanced: the psychological comfort of business travel increases performance and concentration, allowing teamwork.
Information and links
The NBAA in the United States and the EBAA in Europe defend the interests of the business aviation sector and regularly publish studies and analyses about the sector.